Our design team is here for you.

We design your packaging.

suprtrue has set itself the task of providing new and optimize packaging solutions. If necessary, we can also accompany you step by step in the implementation of your desired packaging from idea to design to production.


Do you have a business idea and need branding? No problem, together we will find a visual strategy, design a logo and design memorable brand elements with which you can confidently position yourself in the market.


Didn’t find what you were looking for or need a packaging design? We would be happy to develop your individual design. We offer: Original Ideas, creative concepts, high quality artwork, individual or standardized packaging designs and the necessary finishing touches.


Do you need product pack shots in advance to start advertising or to present your idea? We create super realistic 3D visuals or mood pictures for you.


Your product should be staged beyond the packaging.
We conceptualize, visualise, and design your displays, windows or POS. Materials and optionally also take care of the production.

Let’s be suprtrue together.

Do you want to redesign the packaging world? Us too. Feel free to reach out if you are a manufacturer or developer and have innovative materials or exciting packaging ideas. We are open to creative collaborations.