Getting to know suprtrue


The overall mindset is changing, we are living in a so-called neo-ecology. Environmental awareness is ever-present and it is asking for optimized and smarter solutions within the economy. It goes beyond rethinking a product alone, it is about changing entire systems to make processes smarter, more efficient and circular.

We, as brand visionaries and packaging designers, do see the issues within the world of packaging and wish to make products, designs and systems smarter and more sustainable without compromising on design and style. Our approach? We digitize the process so that companies can easily develop, design and order their conscious and brandable packaging collections online.

But let’s start from the beginning.


Imagine you wish to launch a beauty product and you need a functional and attractive cosmetics bottle. This bottle alone is made of several parts and needs further add-ons, which all come from another supplier – the bottle itself, a matching closure, the label, the folding box and the insert or the eCommerce shipping box around it. All these pieces have to match and stylistically go hand in hand in order to become a meaningful end product with low impact on the environment that, ideally, can be fed into the cycle again.

Up to the finish line of receiving a functional design, there are many potential sources of error which make the final packaging less ideal with regards to product performance, sustainability and, from experience, lack any sense of style that luxury and fashion brands are yearning for.

A common packaging design process and the development phase are very stressful and time-consuming. Without the help and expertise of a design agency in the field, it takes several weeks or months and sometimes additional money until you have found suitable production partners to work with and to bring an idea to life.

With an agency specialized in the whole packaging process and knowing the drill, the process runs much smoother if you are willing to make an invest. Design has its price and is most definitely of value, particularly, if you decide to go for individual tooling to create a unique structural design, there will be even higher costs coming your way.


With packaging, we make products last longer, move them from A to B, maintain their hygiene and communicate their value and use. In the light of the sheer amount of packaging waste we deal with every day, there is a big demand for sustainable packaging design solutions that reduce the impact on our planet.

Certainly, the market replies to the high demand of sustainability. It is swamping us with numbers of solutions. However, as a non-packaging specialist, it is hard to rate the quality of those solutions and it is even harder to find ready-made pack products that can be quickly adapted to your brand’s need. Every supplier is offering another piece of the big puzzle, there is no one that holds all the important threads and sews them together. What brands need is a coherent collection, transparent communication and pricing, as well as quick previews of the final designs.



This is where our suprtrue idea comes into the picture. is a one stop shop, where you can get it all – sustainability, design, functionality. Even though our products are standardized, we strive to offer uniqueness. We are sourcing the best that is out there and we are working closely with producers to improve their collections with regards to sustainability, design and level of attractiveness.

Our aim: To develop novel solutions and to find packaging use cases for innovative materials, to make them available as a standard design through our shop.

In a nutshell, suprtrue allows businesses and brands to designand order their own custom-branded packaging with the help of a user-friendly web application which works like a modular design & construction system. The ultimate goal is to provide a coherent and aesthetic packaging collection, from primary to secondary pack to shipping box – all carefully selected with regards to their eco-conscious character.

We follow the approaches of “less is more” and “design for recycling” and moreover either choose materials that are a 100% recycled, have a lower impact than conventional solutions or are made from natural ingredients that can be home-composted again. Further, we closely follow trends and endeavors to create new innovative materials.

The suprtrue dream? To collaborate with research institutions and co-create an innovation hub, so that we can make a giant leap inside the packaging design industry. But let’s start with one milestone at a time.

Let’s start here and let’s start now and let’s be suprtrue together.

suprtrue is brand of Packaging Circus GmbH.